Start of the International Eifel race on the Nürburgring on June 3, 1934. The winner of this race was Manfred von Brauchitsch at the wheel of a W 25 Mercedes-Benz formula racing car.
International Eifel race on the Nürburgring, June 3, 1934. Luigi Fagioli (start number 22) in a Mercedes-Benz 750-kg formula racing car W 25.
International Klausen Pass Race on August 5, 1934. Rudolf Caracciola wins on his Mercedes-Benz W 25 750-kg formula racing car.
Coppa Acerbo near Pescara, August 15, 1934. The winner Luigi Fagioli (start number 50) at the wheel of a Mercedes-Benz 750-kg formula racing car W 25.
Italian Grand Prix in Monza, September 9, 1934. The winner Rudolf Caracciola at the wheel of a Mercedes-Benz formula racing car W 25 with start number 2.
Spanish Grand Prix in Lasarte – San Sebastian, September 23, 1934. The winner Luigi Fagioli (start number 18) in a Mercedes-Benz 750-kg formula racing car W 25.
Swiss Grand Prix, Bremgarten, August 26, 1934. Rudolf Caracciola (start number 10) at the wheel of a Mercedes-Benz formula racing car W 25.
Monaco Grand Prix, April 22, 1935. The winner Luigi Fagioli at the wheel of a Mercedes-Benz formula racing car W 25 B.
Start of the Monaco Grand Prix, April 22, 1935. Threei Mercedes-Benz formula racing cars W 25 in the startin line. start number 4 – Luigi Fagioli, the winner. start number 6 – Manfred von Brauchitsch. start number 2 – Rudolf Caracciola.
Tripolis Grand Prix, Mellaha, May 12, 1935. Luigi Fagioli, who finished in third place, with start number 10 and Rudolf Caracciola (start number 26), who was to win the race, both in Mercedes-Benz W 25.
Backbone of the logistical chain between the plant and the racetrack: the Mercedes-Benz racing transporters, in this case with a model W 25 racing car (1934 to 1936).
French Grand Prix in Montlhéry, June 23, 1935. The winner Rudolf Caracciola in a Mercedes-Benz formula racing car W 25. Manfrd von Brauchitsch finished in second place.
Double victory at the Grand Prix of Barcelona, Montjuich-Park, June 30, 1935. Rudolf Caracciola (start number 2) in a Mercedes-Benz formula racing car W 25. Caracciola finished in second place behind the winner Luigi Fagioli.
International Eifel race on the Nürburgring on June 16, 1935. The winner Rudolf Caracciola at the wheel of a Mercedes-Benz racing car W 25.
Belgian Grand Prix in Spa-Franchorchamps. July 7, 1935. The winner Rudolf Caracciola (start number 2) in a Mercedes-Benz 750-kg formula racing car W 25.
Swiss Grand Prix, August 25, 1935. Three Mercedes-Benz formula racing cars (W 25) at the pit stop: Hermann Lang with the start number 42, Rudolf Caracciola (who was to win the race) with the start number 10 and Manfrd von Brauchitsch with the start number 8.
VI. Gran Premio “Penya Rhin” and the third Gran Prix of Barcelona (Circuito de Montjuich), June 30, 1935. The winner Luigi Fagioli wit the start number 10 at the whell of a 750-kg formula racing car W 25.
Rain champion: Rudolf Caracciola won the 1936 Monaco Grand Prix at the wheel of a Mercedes-Benz W 25.
Eifel race, 14 June 1936. Mercedes-Benz W 25 at the forester’s lodge “Sankt Hubertus” in Nürburg, headquarters of the Daimler-Benz racing team.
German Grand Prix on the Nürburgring, July 25, 1937: Shortly after the start, in the southern hairpin bend, the Mercedes-Benz W 125 formula racing cars of Hermann Lang (start number 16) and Rudolf Caracciola (start number 12), who was to win the race, were leading the field. Behind them Auto Union drivers Bernd Rosemeyer and Hans Peter Müller, followed by Manfred von Brauchitsch (runner-up), also driving a Mercedes-Benz W 125.
Swiss Grand Prix, Bremgarten, August 22, 1937. Rudolf Caracciola, who was to win the race, with start number 14 in a Mercedes-Benz W 125. In the fore: Bernd Rosenmeyer (start number 8) and Hans Stuck (start number 10), both in Auto Union.
Monaco Grand Prix, August 8, 1937: Winner Manfred von Brauchitsch and runner-up Rudolf Caracciola in the Loews corner, both of them driving Mercedes-Benz W 125 formula racing cars.
Masaryk Grand Prix near Brno, September 26, 1937. Manfred von Brauchitsch, who finished in second place, followed by Richard Seaman, who finished in fourth place, both in a Mercedes-Benz W 125.
Coppa Acerbo, Pescara, August 1937. Manfred von Brauchitsch (start number 14) finished in second place at the wheel of a Mercedes-Benz W 125.
Double victory at the Italian Grand Prix in Livorno, September 12, 1937. The winner Rudolf Caracciola (start number 2) and Herman Lang (start number 6), who finished in second place, both in Mercedes-Benz formula racing cars W 125.
Masaryk Grand Prix near Brünn, 26 September 1937. Richard Seaman (number 6) on Mercedes-Benz W 125 finished fourth.
Triple victory in the Tripoli Grand Prix, May 15, 1938: Hermann Lang (photo) ahead of Manfred von Brauchitsch and Rudolf Caracciola, all driving Mercedes-Benz W 154 cars.
French Grand Prix, July 3, 1938: Triple victory for the Mercedes-Benz W 154 racing cars (Manfred von Brauchitsch – Rudolf Caracciola – Hermann Lang).
Swiss Grand Prix near Bern, August 21, 1938. The Mercedes-Benz W 154 racing cars took the lead immediately after the start in heavy rain and drove towards a triple victory. The winner was Rudolf Caracciola (on the right) followed by Richard B. Seaman and Manfred von Brauchitsch.
Coppa Acerbo near Pescara, August 14, 1938. The Mercedes-Benz W 154 racing cars driven by Manfred von Brauchitsch (start number 46), Hermann Lang (start number 40) and Rudolf Caracciola (start number 26), who was to win the race, took the lead immediately after the start.
Double victory at the Pau Grand Prix, April 8, 1939. The winner Hermann Lang in a Mercedes-Benz racing car W 154. Manfred von Brauchitsch finished in second place.
Tripoli Grand Prix, May 7, 1939: Hermann Lang won the race at the wheel of the Mercedes-Benz W 165 racing car.
International Eifel race on the Nürburgring, May 21, 1939. Rudolf Caracciola (Start number 12) finished in third place in a Mercedes-Benz racing car W 154.
Start of the Swiss Grand Prix, Bremgarten, August 25, 1935. Start number 30 – René Dreyfus in an Alfa Romeo. Start number 8 – Manfred von Brauchitsch in a Mercedes-Benz formula racing car W 25. Start number 28 – Louis Chiron in an Alfa Romeo.
Logistical. Mercedes-Benz racing transporters
Backbone of the logistical chain between the plant and the racetrack: the Mercedes-Benz racing transporters
W 154 “Silver Arrows” on board: Mercedes-Benz racing transporters in the 1930s.
French Grand Prix in Reims, 1938: a Mercedes-Benz model W 154 racing car on the platform of a racing transporter.
Rudolf Uhlenhaut at the wheel of the Mercedes-Benz 3-l formula racing car (W 154) during first tests in Monza, 1938.
Training for the Großglockner mountain race on 28 August 1938. Hermann Lang in a Mercedes-Benz W 125 with additional slide carburettor, starting number 83. In the race the starting number 83 was borne by the winning Auto Union car driven by Hans Stuck. Hermann Lang, with the starting number 82, finished second.
Mercedes-Benz W 154 (1939)
Start of the Italian Grand Prix in Monza, September 11, 1938. Three Mercedes-Benz W 154 formula racing cars lined up in the first row of the starting grid. From left: Hermann Lang with start no. 26, Manfred von Brauchitsch with start no. 4 and Rudolf Caracciola with start no. 12. Three of four cars broke down. Caracciola dented the rear-end of his car when he skidded into a barrier. Von Brauchitsch took over the car and still managed to secure third place.
Großglockner mountain race, 28 August 1938. Manfred von Brauchitsch in a Mercedes-Benz W 125, starting number 81. He came in third
Mercedes-Benz sports cars – here a W 125 Grand Prix racing car – were part of a special exhibition at the 1938 International Motor Show.
Tripoli Grand Prix, May 7, 1939. The two Mercedes-Benz 1.5 liter W 165 racing cars conquered the lead right from the start. Hermann Lang, who went on to win the race, with start number 16 ahead of the car with start number 24 in which Rudolf Caracciola finished in second place.
#16. Tripoli Grand Prix, May 7, 1939. The winner was Hermann Lang in a Mercedes-Benz 1.5 liter W 165 racing car.
#24. Tripoli Grand Prix, May 7, 1939. Rudolf Caracciola finished in second place in a Mercedes-Benz 1.5 liter W 165 racing car.
#44. Triple victory in the Grand Prix race in Tripoli on May 15, 1938. Hermann Lang ahead of Manfred von Brauchitsch (photo) and Rudolf Caracciola – all driving Mercedes-Benz W 154 cars.
Swiss Grand Prix near Bern on August 21, 1938. The Mercedes-Benz W 154 racing cars took the lead immediately after the start and headed for a triple victory. The winner was Rudolf Caracciola (photo) ahead of Richard B. Seaman and Manfred von Brauchitsch.
Großglockner mountain race, 6 August 1939, in difficult weather conditions. Manfred von Brauchitsch in a Mercedes-Benz W 125 mountain racing car with a 5.6-litre engine, starting number 127. He finished fourth.
Training for the Großglockner mountain race on 6 August 1939. Manfred von Brauchitsch in a Mercedes-Benz W 125 mountain racing car with a 5.6-litre engine, starting number 127, attempting to improve traction with twin tyres on the rear axle. He came fourth in the race.
#128. Großglockner mountain race, 6 August 1939
Großglockner mountain race, 6 August 1939. The eventual victor, Hermann Lang (starting number 128), with a Mercedes-Benz W 125 mountain racing car with a 5.6-litre engine.
Großglockner-Bergrennen, 6. August 1939. Der spätere Sieger Hermann Lang (Startnummer 128) mit einem Mercedes-Benz W 125 Bergrennwagen mit 5,6-Liter-Motor.
Training for the Großglockner mountain race on 6 August 1939. The eventual victor, Hermann Lang (starting number 128) with a Mercedes-Benz W 125 mountain racing car with a 5.6-litre engine, attempting to improve traction with twin tyres on the rear axle. Directly behind the vehicle stands a W 154 that was only ever used in training, next to which is another W 125 with the starting number 127 which was driven to fourth place in the race by Manfred von Brauchitsch.
Triple victory at the Swiss Grand Prix, August 20, 1939. The winner Hermann Lang (start number 16) in a Mercedes-benz W 154. Second place: Rudolf Caracciola. Third place: Manfred von Brauchitsch.
Belgian Grand Prix, 25 June 1939. Richard Seaman on Mercedes-Benz W 154 (number 26) in persuit of H.P. Müller on Auto-Union.
Tripoli Grand Prix, May 7, 1939: Hermann Lang won the race at the wheel of the Mercedes-Benz W 165 racing car.